This document is a How-To related to the installation of compilation tools to build the Wirepas applications.

From a developer perspective, you need a compiler and a well configured developer environment.

To ease the compilation process, Wirepas provides a Docker container that embeds all required tools to compile the Apps build on top of our SDKs (link to Wirepas Mesh SDK and Link to Wirepas 5G Mesh SDK). To download our SDks, please refer to this document [XXXX Link to “How to download Wirepas SDK]

In this document, we provide deeper details on the Docker container we provide and propose a more complex alternative approach to allow for a manual control of the compilation tasks.

Flashing the cards is out of the scope of this document and a related document can be found here (Link to how to flash a board).


Minimal Requirements

We propose here a dive into the compilation tasks based on using a Windows 10+ PC. The described tools can be also easily installed on other platforms such as Linux and MacOS.

To perform the compilation of an App on your machine, you will need:


Wirepas Tooling

The Docker approach: Our recommended approach

  • Install Docker from here (that will require WSL2 to be installed).

Wirepas provides a set of Docker containers to ease the compilation process.

To benefit from these environment, download the SDKs from Wirepas Github with instructions provided here and build your apps following the instructions provided here.

Manual Set-Up

  • Install WSL2 on Windows. Please refer to this link.
  • Install GCC Arm Toolchain. Version 10-2020-q4-major from here. Make it run on your WSL2 environment
  • Install GNU Make Tools. Version 4.2.1 using this link.
  • Install Python 3.x. from this link.
  • Install PyCryptodome unsing pip : pip install pycryptodome


To validate the manual installation, you should be able to compile any application from the Wirepas SDKs (Mesh or 5G Mesh). Download the SDKs from Wirepas Github with instructions provided here and build your apps following the instructions provided here.


Important note : In case of manual installation, you may need to update the different tools with the updates of the Wirepas SDKs.

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