
This document is made to easily find definitions related to specific nomination used in the developer portal. The names are classified in alphabetic order and associated to one or several generic tags.


Adaptive Flooding :

Tags : Routing Method

Messages are sent to all devices in the radio range without using the established mesh routes. Other Names : Unack CSMA-CA.

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Adaptive Routing :

Tags : Routing Methods

Messages are sent using the mesh routing tree on a hop-by-hop basis with acknowledgments and automatic re-transmissions. Other Names : Cost-based routing, tree routing, cost-based tree routing.

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Anchor :

Tags : Massive Tracking

Wirepas routers that are used as location reference points for the Wirepas Positioning Engine. Other Name : Opportunistic Anchor.

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Application Configuration data (AppConfig) :

Persistent data of custom 80 bytes that are broadcasted in the network under a sink. Every node that is joined to the network receive this packet.

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Area ID :

Tags : OTAP

Identification for a section in the flash, for example Application or Stack area ID.

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Autorole :

Tags : Nodes Roles

The Autorole is the node’s default role. It is recommended to use an automatic role selection so that the node automatically selects the role of either Router or Non-Router Node. Hence, the user does not have to take care of the selection process and the network becomes more optimized.

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BLE advertiser / advertising :

Tags : BLE

Sending non-connectable BLE advertisement packets on one or multiple BLE advertisement channels in parallel of Wirepas normal operations. Other Name : Beacon Transmission

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BLE Scanner / Scanning :

Tags : BLE

Scan BLE advertisement messages in parallel of Wirepas normal operations. Other Name : Beacon Scanner.

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Broadcast :

Tags : Messages direction and addressing

Message is sent to all devices.

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Cluster :

Tags : Topology

A group of node in a mesh tree. A Cluster consists of a Router Node and all the nodes that are connected directly to it.

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Cluster Beacon :

A Router Node is a Cluster Head. The Cluster Head transmits periodically a Cluster Beacon in the Cluster channel at the beginning of communication period. The Cluster Beacon includes information for example the Cluster Beacon interval and the router mode (LE or LL).

Cluster Channel :

Channel that router’s member nodes are using to communicate with the router.

Cluster Head :

Tags : Topology

Cluster head is responsible of synchronizing network operations in a network Cluster. It routers traffic from and to the Cluster Members. Cluster head is a Router Node or a Sink.

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Cluster Member :

Tags : Topology

A node connected to a Cluster Head. Cluster Member can also be Custer Head of a next hop cluster.

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C-Mesh API :

Tags : API

The C-Mesh API library is an implementation example of the Dual-MCU API in the Application MCU.

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Direct Advertiser :

Tags : DA, Nodes Roles

An advertiser node is not continuously connected to the network or more precisely is not associated with a cluster. An advertiser node transmits the data in an ad-hoc manner, for example, when a button is pressed. Advertiser nodes can only connect to a Low-Latency router.

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Downlink :

Tags: Messages Direction and addressing

Traffic from the sink to the network. 

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DECT-2020 NR:

Tags: Standard

Also denominated NR+ (New Radio). It is the world’s first non-cellular 5G technology standard defined by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) in the ETSI TS 103 636 series of standards.

Dual-MCU API :

Tags : API

The Dual-MCU API is used to control a Wirepas node from an external MCU over a UART or USB.

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Tags: Topology

They are used to multiplex transport layer datagrams between different applications / application functionalities. They are also used to separate data generated by the stack, e.g. diagnostics, from application data. Endpoints are provided by the transport layer. 


Fixed Terminal

Tags: Standard

Also denominated EUT-FT. Particular role of a node in a 5G Mesh network. Wirepas terminology associated to this role are Router Nodes and Sinks.

Fixed Role

Tags : Nodes Roles

A node with a fixed role. Typically a Sink node. For other nodes, the role can also be selected explicitly for specific use cases to either Router or Non-Router, for example in asset tracking.


Gateway :

Gateway is a device that typically has sink(s) and application MCU. Gateway is a bridge between a Wirepas network and a backend via backhaul connection.

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Gateway to Backend API :

Tags : API

Wirepas gateway to Cloud API offers a complete API to manage the Data flow from a Wirepas network as well as the configuration and different services.

Other Names : RM128, Gateway to Cloud API.

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Hop :

Tags : Topology

Radio communication between two devices when the data is sent Uplink or Downlink. There might be multiple hops in the network to reach the destination device.

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In Band Provisioning :

Tags : Provisioning

Provisioning process through the Wirepas Network.

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Joining Beacon :

Tags : Provisioning

Beacons that are broadcasted by proxy-nodes allowing joining nodes to request access to the network.

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Joining Channel :

Tags : Provisioning

In the Open Joining, a proxy node sends Joining Beacons. The joining beacons are sent on a pre-defined Joining Channel.

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Joining Node :

Tags : Provisioning

Node intended to join an existing network using the Open Joining protocol.

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Local Provisioning :

Tags : Provisioning

Wirepas node provisioning from an other node called Proxy Node. Proxy Node is responsible of deciding, which node is allowed to join the network. Proxy Node also provides provisioning parameters to the Joining Node. Hence, the provisioning is local.

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Low-Energy mode :

Tags : LE, Mode of Operation

Low-Energy mode is designed to achieve the lowest possible power consumption on all devices including routers. Devices are only active during regular intervals called Access Cycle to send and receive data. It enables the deployment of fully battery-operated networks. Other names : Time-slotted Multi-channel Access, CF-MAC, Contention-free MAC

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Low-Latency mode :

Tags : LL

Low-Latency mode is intended to achieve low latency and higher throughput on the network. To achieve this, routers are listening during all their idle time allowing nodes to transmit to the next-hop immediately. The trade off is higher power consumption in the range of 7mA, making this mode of operation more suited for mains powered devices. Other names : CSMA-CA, CB-MAC, Contention-based MAC

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Multicast :

Tags : Messages direction and addressing

Multicast message is sent to a group of devices sharing the same group address.

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Network Address (Network ID) :

Tags : Network Parameters

24 bit address to identify the Network.

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Network Beacon :

Each Router Node in the network transmits Network Beacons periodically on the Network Channel. The Network Beacon includes information about the router’s Cluster Channel and Cluster Beacon timings.

Network Discovery Channel :

Tags : Network Parameters, Network Channel

One channel among the 40 channels to be used for node discovery and connection. 

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Network Persistent Data (NPD) :

Network Persistent Data (NPD) is a mechanism to spread shared information efficiently under sink’s routing tree. NPD has metadata part for the stack related actions and AppConfig part for the application use.

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Network Persistent Data Metadata :

Network Persistent Data Metadata is the part of the NPD. Metadata is used by the stack to control diagnostics and OTAP operations.

Network Scan :

In a Network Scan, a node starts to listen to the Network Channel to find Router Nodes in the radio range.

Network Security Keys :

Tags : Network Parameters

The AES128 encryption key and the Message integrity code (MIC)

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Next Hop :

Tags : Topology

Router Node that is selected to be the next to receive the data.

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Node :

Node is a member in a Wirepas network.

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Node Address :

Tags : Network parameters, Device ID, Node ID

32 bits address to uniquely identify each device in a Wirepas Network.

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Non-Router Node :

Tags : Nodes Roles

A Non-Router Node is a device that does not route any data thus it is at the end of a network tree’s branch. Non-Router mode can be selected for some use cases, like for asset tracking tags. A node can adapt to become a Non-Router Node automatically in case the device is configured to the autorole.

In 5G Mesh, this is referred as PT from the Standard denomination.

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Non-Router Long Sleep :

Tags : NRLS, Nodes Roles

A Non-Router Long Sleep (NRLS) node is not permanently connected to the network. The node sleeps most of the time and only connects to the network based on an event, for example from a timer or a sensor. A NRLS node cannot receive any messages from other devices. The communication to the NRLS nodes should be done with application data configuration. When an NRLS node wakes up, it receives the configuration automatically. 

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Node-to-node :

Tags : Message Direction and addressing

Node-to-node is a message that is sent from a node (not sink) to one or multiple other nodes. Other Name : Intra network, Unack-CSMCA.

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Out of Band Provisioning :

Tags : Provisioning

Provisioning using an external method to provide Wirepas parameters, for example NFC and Serial link.

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Open Joining :

Tags : Provisioning

Open Joining is a Wirepas stack feature to enable new devices, without the Network Parameters, to join the network. Open Joining a new node to establish a peer-to-peer communication with an already provisioned and connected node. Online and Local Provisioning use the Open Joining for the communication.

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Over The Air Programming (OTAP) :

Tags : OTAP

Robust process to remotely update all the nodes in the network. Other Name : Remote Update

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Provisioning Process :

Tags : Provisioning

Process that enables nodes to join a network by receiving the network parameters and optional application parameters.

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Portable Terminal

Tags: Standard

Also denominated EUT-PT. Particular role of a node in a 5G Mesh network. Wirepas terminology associated to this role is Non-Router Nodes.

Proxy Node :

Tags : Provisioning

Proxy Node broadcasts joining beacons to establish a communication with joining nodes

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Remote Provisioning :

Tags : Provisioning

A way to provision Wirepas nodes from a backend server using the Wirepas Open Joining Protocol

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Router (node) :

Tags : Nodes Roles

Router is a node that transmits data between multiple nodes in the network. A node can adapt to become a Router Node automatically in case the device is configured to the Autorole. Other Name : Headnode.

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Scratchpad :

Tags : OTAP

A file that is spread out in the network in the OTAP process. It may contain one or several application image(s) and the firmware at the same scratchpad.

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SDK libraries :

Tags : API

A set of libraries in the Wirepas SDK. An abstraction layer of the Single-MCU API to ease up the application development.

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Single-MCU API :

Tags : API

Single-MCU API is an API between the Wirepas Stack and the embedded application.

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Sink (node) :

Tags : Nodes Roles

Sink is a node on top of the network tree thus it’s the reference point from which a routing tree starts to form. Usually, a sink is connected to a gateway via a serial interface, like UART or SPI, thus it just routes the traffic between the backend and the Wirepas network. 

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Sychronous Neighbor Discovery Protocol (SNDP) :

Tags : Network Maintenance

Router keeps information of the neighbor routers' channel, timing information and routing. With the Synchronous Neighbor Discovery Protocol, a router can share this neighbor information to other nodes in an efficient way.


Tree :

Tags : Routing Tree, Topology

Tree consists of all the nodes that are connected to a Sink node.

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Tag :

Tags : Massive Tracking

Non-Routers nodes running Wirepas Positioning Application. Other Name : Asset Tags.

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Uplink :

Tags : Messages Direction and addressing

Uplink message is sent from a node to a sink.

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Unicast :

Tags : Messages Direction and addressing

Unicast message is sent to a single node. 

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Wirepas 5G Mesh profile :

Tags : Wirepas Products

The 5G Mesh profile will be based on the new global IoT standard, DECT-2020 NR. The standard was developed by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and was included in the 5G technology family by ITU-R in October 2021.

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Wirepas Backend :

Tags : Wirepas Products

The Wirepas Backend consists on a set of services and APIs that are used by WNT client for visualization and by customers systems for specific data processing.

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Wirepas Connectivity Suite :

Tags : Wirepas Products

Wirepas Connectivity Suite combines our field-proven Mesh network with built-in end-to-end services. These include monitoring, positioning, provisioning, security, remote updates, gateway drivers, backend services.

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Wirepas Gateway :

Tags : Wirepas Products

A Wirepas gateway is a bridge between the Wirepas network and the backend.

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Wirepas Massive (Deprecated):

Tags : Wirepas Product

Wirepas Massive was previous denomination of the Wirepas Mesh 2.4 GHz profile.

Wirepas Massive Tracking :

Tags : Wirepas Products

A Wirepas Massive Tracking system includes a Wirepas Network with tags anchors and gateway and a WNT backend with WPE to get tags' positions.

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Wirepas Mesh 2.4GHz profile :

Tags : Wirepas Products

The Wirepas radio profile operating in the 2.4 GHz spectrum and relying on BLE physical layer. Also called Wirepas Massive.

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Wirepas Mesh Sub-GHz profiles :

Tags : Wirepas Products

The Wirepas radio profile operating in the Sub-GHZ ISM band and available for Australia 915 MHz and India 868 MHz. Also called Wirepas Massive.

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Wirepas MQTT Library :

Tags : Github

Wirepas MQTT Library helps the communication through MQTT. It generates and parses message in protobuf format to ease the development of tools on top of Wirepas Gateway to Backend API.

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Wirepas network :

Tags : Network Organization, Wirepas mesh Network

A Wirepas network consisting of devices running either the 5G Mesh or Mesh radio profiles.

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Wirepas Network Tool :

Tags : Wirepas Products, WNT

Wirepas Network Tool ("WNT") is a tool for monitoring & analyzing Wirepas network operation. It combines both a backend server and a Windows 10+ based client.

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Wirepas Positioning Engine :

Tags : Wirepas Products, WPE

Wirepas Positioning Engine (WPE) is a server component that uses positioning data from the tags and anchors to compute position of the tags.

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Wirepas Terminal :

Tags : Github

Wirepas Terminal is a PC application that can be used to send and receive data via Wirepas Mesh network and configure the Wirepas Mesh stack running in the serial port -connected devices.

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WNT Backend API :

Tags : API

The WNT backend APIs provide a way to communicate with the WNT (and the network). The API’s use Web sockets and HTTP connections and are intended to be used by customers to implement own services on top of the WNT server.

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Revision History




23 Jun 2022


The first version.

07 May 2024


Added definitions related to Wirepas 5G Mesh

Added Endpoint definition

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